Parent Pick-Up
Transportation Procedures
We are excited about the arrival of a new school year. This page includes specific information about student transportation. Please read carefully since our children’s safety depends on following these procedures as stated.
AM Drop-Off Car Riders
- Drop-off time begins at 7:30. Parents who are using the loop, please do not let your children out of your vehicle until school staff is on the porch.
- NEW THIS YEAR: The tardy bell rings at 8:15 each morning. Parents who arrive after 8:15 will have to park in a lined space and come into the parent pick-up office to sign-in their child. The student will receive a tardy slip and then will report to class.
- Please pull up as far as possible before stopping to unload so other cars can do the same. The drop-off zone will be marked with large orange cones. If you are parked within these cones, please have your children exit the vehicle on the passenger/right side of your vehicle.
- Please do not attempt to pull around other vehicles in the loop or park in the grass area on our school campus.
- Please use the loop for morning drop-off. Walking students up should be kept to a minimum. If you need to walk in with your child, please use the crosswalk near the parking lot and walk down the sidewalk by the school. Walking students to class should be kept to a minimum. We all want our children to gain independence and confidence.
- Cars leaving the parking lot between 8:00am and 8:15am will have to turn RIGHT onto Highway 11.
PM Pick-up Car Riders
The afternoon is our busiest time at CES. Listed below is the detailed procedure for PM Parent Pick-up.
PArent Pick-Up Loop Procedures
- The gate for the loop will open at 2:30 p.m. Cars waiting in the loop should form a single file line. When the loop has extended into the school bus lot, additional lanes for cars will be formed so we can get as many cars in the lot as possible.
- Please pull up as far as possible before stopping to load your student so other cars can do the same. Staff members will be on the sidewalk as students are waiting and as they load into the vehicles.
- The Orange Parent Pick-up Sheet must be displayed in the vehicle picking up the student(s). Parents should have their Orange Pick-Up Sheets on the right side of the dashboard. Even if your vehicle might be recognized by school staff members, the orange sheet still must be displayed. Staff members will radio the name of the students listed on the orange pick-up sheets so they are in order and prepared to load the vehicles.
- If you do not have a sheet to pick up a child, you should park in the parking spaces and report to the parent pick-up window to sign out the child.
- Parents will receive two sheets initially but can come by the office and request additional copies. The school will assume that anyone in possession of the orange pick-up sheets has permission from the parent to pick up the child on that day. It is the parent’s responsibility to ensure the orange sheets are only in possession of people who have permission to pick up the child.
- Parents/Drivers are responsible for making sure that their child is secure in their seatbelt. For the safety of all of our students, we ask that you make sure your child is buckled and ready to go before departing.
Parent Pick-Up Window Procedures
- The end of the school day is a very busy time. For the safety of your child, any student picked up after 2:45 will be called for as soon as possible. We ask that you wait in the parent pick up area for your child. Any dismissal before 3:10 will be recorded as an unexcused early dismissal. Students who bring in a doctor’s note the following day will have this dismissal excused.
Riding home on a different bus or riding the bus home with someone
- If a student brings in a note to ride a different bus home or to ride the bus home with someone, they must turn in the note to their teacher explaining the change. This note with then be submitted to the office where the student will receive a bus permission slip from the office that will be given to the bus driver.
Changes in transportation
- If there is a change in your child’s transportation, please send his/her teacher a note explaining the change. If it is not possible to write a note because of extenuating circumstances, please call the school office before 2:45 p.m. We cannot guarantee delivery of messages received after 2:45 p.m.