CES Read-A-Thon begins March 20, 2023

Creating Lifelong Readers Starts Now

Are you looking for ways to encourage children to read?

Here are some helpful tips to get you started:

Set aside a regular reading time: Choose a time each day or week when everyone can gather together and read. Make it a habit and stick to it as much as possible. Create a reading routine.

Organize a cozy reading nook: Find a comfortable spot in your home or classroom and turn it into a reading haven. Add beanbags, blankets, and maybe even a special reading lamp to make it a cozy and inviting space.

Let children choose what they want to read: Give children the freedom to choose what they want to read. This will help them feel empowered and more invested in the reading process.

Read together: Make reading a family or group activity by taking turns reading aloud to each other. This can be a fun way to share stories and connect with each other.

Make it a game: Turn reading into a game by setting goals or challenges for children to reach. Games help motivate them and make reading a fun and exciting challenge.

At Read-A-Thon, we believe that every child is a great reader. They just have to find the right book.

So grab a book, gather together, and let's start reading!

Creating thousands of readers every day.
